FMP | #8

More experiments: 

This model I rendered in Google sketchup had some elements that began to appeal to me, First off it seemed to characterise an estate more than any of the others so far. However, despite that I don't feel like it has much potential and it seems pretty bland to me. The structure gives you a very modular feel due to the different surface levels and the cubist net within some of the segments. Although modular architecture can be really effective and popular these days, I don't feel as if it would be appropriate for what I am doing. One of the main selling points for anything modular is its ability to be taken apart. That's not something I want to be associated with what I am proposing.

It got to a point in my designing where I was just trying anything and everything to try and produce ideas. This was probably a low point in terms of my ideas, a lot of this inspiration mainly came from the highrise tower blocks I've been seeing in my research. 

The four towers are too close-quarters to be of any use, they could probably be developed which would obviously change the outcome. One other thing that makes this worse than it is is the sheer scale of the structure if it were in scale. You don't even need a scale model to see that this would be huge if it were to be 1:1 scale. That just entails a lot of designing, especially for the detailed stuff like floor plans. 

I went back to my basic shape in order to try and generate some more fresh ideas. Although doing that seemed pretty ambitious, in terms of time, I feel it was worth the risk. 

The shape below was the result of some modification, where I was removing certain parts from the shape above, I decided to remove different parts so I could play with something entirely different. That was my thought process when in search for new ideas. 

Instead of having the shape's diagonal face rising from the ground up, I rotated it so the the diagonal face was against the ground. A different perspective was created. 

I ended up refining the shape a ton more than I had expected and that was all thanks to my initiative to go back and change the shape I was trying to work with. Below, the structure - upon first impression- doesn't seem to derive from the shape above. This is due to changes in the lengths of the faces. 

Already I am more satisfied with this model than any of the others. I just feel it is the most realistic looking. Some of the others I have created all have this 'sci-arc' feel to them, they don't seem like they're something you would see in the everyday. This structure is dynamic, has a simple basic shape, it is uniform and symmetrical and it seems already I prefer it - aesthetically - over the others so far. 

In my head I've already settled on this design but I definitely feel there is some refining to do. 

Sectioning off the building as to suggest apartments will hopefully help me with the scale and sheer size of the proposed design. It also helps me to see the capacity of the building and how many people it can house. 

In my eyes, the best way for a community of people to succeed is for them to all be on the same page. For them all to be working for the same thing. At the end of the day, no matter how great a building is, it is always down to the residents to look after it and maintain it. The top of the building has undergone a change. Instead of a flat roof I have raised the middle section to create a rooftop space for the community of people living there. I would like for it to be a communal area space or a garden, anything to promote community amongst the tenants
