
FMP | #12

      Final Statement: 1/ Initially, my project began with the intention of creating something entirely new to ‘bridge the gap’ between divided communities, the area I was exploring was Social housing and the apparent injustice that surrounds it. It had occurred to me that there are inconsistencies with housing in London, there is a huge demand for affordable housing especially in areas of wealth but there are very limited options for those who need it. However, over the course of my project that initial intention began to morph into something different but also still along the same lines. Instead of ‘bridging the gap’ between communities, I felt it would be more appropriate, and also achievable, that I fixate on trying to alter people’s perceptions of social housing. I felt more inclined to pursue this as my experience as a social/council housing tenant allowed me to have a unique perspective into how these forms of housing are viewed f

FMP | #11

Model 2 The next model was more straightforward than the first, theoretically its simpler and quicker to make.  Getting the file from digimaps was simple enough, though the section they allow you to save was too small for me so I had to save two sections and then stitch them together. It was a lingering thought to create 3D models of the surrounding buildings and having access to digimaps allowed me to do that. The great thing about it is that I could select the shapes of the buildings and then just cut them separately. Once cut I just layered them up to a decent height and stuck them together.  The only issue I have had with this model is the material I cut it from. A lot of it was engraved, especially the water areas. The engraving caused the wood to become very thin and delicate and thus meant the board was prone to damage. I had to glue a slab of the same size wood on the underneath to keep it solid and secure.  Model 3: My last model was a lot of fun

FMP | #10

Making week...       Currently I am very, very pleased with the current standard of my model. I am completely aware that there is a heap of touching up to do. The model was incredibly fiddly to construct and I ran into a lot of issues along the road from laser cutter to this. Firstly, I underestimated my laser cutting files and assumed the slant in the windows would be easy to pull off. I had to do a lot of gluing and modifying to achieve the standard I wanted. I used UHU glue which has ended up leaving loads of stringy residue all over the model. Some of the mount board has also been stained with leftover glue. I may need to find a way to remove all of that. The Cement block I bought From Wickes was a successful purchase. I was looking for something that would help reflect the nature of my building. I also wanted something that was similar in colour so that it wouldn't take too much attention away from the model. The idea is that the cement block would be

FMP | #9

Measurements:  Working out the measurements for the final outcome model was incredibly difficult, my main problem being the scale. I hadn't figured one out yet and so any measurement was meaningless. Settling for a scale of 1:100 allowed me to create a model a decent size and also allowed my drawings to be a decent size.  I knew that this was always going to be the difficult part of the design process because I have never been strong with my maths, however I had never anticipated this. I couldn't work out the sizes of the rooms simply based on my scale because I was completely unaware of how big a room was relative to me. That was a big problem because it really slowed down my progression with this final outcome design.  I wanted to push myself and actually produce a floor plan that not only laid out the design for the building and where each apartment will go, but also what will be in those apartments. As my design only allowed for windows on one s

FMP | #8

More experiments:  This model I rendered in Google sketchup had some elements that began to appeal to me, First off it seemed to characterise an estate more than any of the others so far. However, despite that I don't feel like it has much potential and it seems pretty bland to me. The structure gives you a very modular feel due to the different surface levels and the cubist net within some of the segments. Although modular architecture can be really effective and popular these days, I don't feel as if it would be appropriate for what I am doing. One of the main selling points for anything modular is its ability to be taken apart. That's not something I want to be associated with what I am proposing. It got to a point in my designing where I was just trying anything and everything to try and produce ideas. This was probably a low point in terms of my ideas, a lot of this inspiration mainly came from the highrise tower blocks I've been seeing in